Woman Honor Thyself

When women are depressed, they either eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking. --Elaine Boosler

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Don't Mess with TeXans

"It's a good thing President Bush is a Texan. I’m sure he sees the similarities between shoveling horse manure and taking questions from certain members of the White House Press."
Oh..Yeeehaww!..I'm luvin that one!
When You Play With a Texan… tells it like it is. Heh.

"Obviously I’m not surprised at the left wing hypocrites within the press. These vultures will attack the President every time they get a chance. However, they should at least be more tasteful. The blatant cynicism and more accurately, the extreme loathing for President Bush that the main stream media and some members of the White House Press illustrate, gives a tainted view on our country—and that should never be tolerated! Thus, Helen Thomas would be advised to know, that when you play with a Texan, you’re going to be lassoed in front of the press for slanted journalism."

Jus thought I'd dedicate that to mah Texan buddies..You know who You are!..Heh.


  • At 11:10 PM, Blogger Lady Jane said…

    Great post, Angel! The MSM is absolutely horrid to President Bush! One would hope they would at the very least have respect for the office of the Presidency, but nope.

  • At 6:51 AM, Blogger Gayle said…

    As one of your Texas buddies, thanks! :)

  • At 9:37 AM, Blogger Brooke said…

    Yeah, but in order to keep up with the sheer amount of manure coming from the MSM, you'd need to hire a score of illegals to shovel...*wink*

  • At 12:03 PM, Blogger GUNNY said…

    Bush has endured a lot of flak from the media. They really do hate him for some reason.

    I even recall the many who were supposed to leave the country if Bush was elected. Though the thought of living in a Bush America was apparently so repugnant, they didn't seem to follow through.

    Well, we've got 2008 around the corner and I, for one, am most curious as to who the GOP will propose.

    It wouldn't suprise me if the media hates him/her as well.

  • At 6:54 PM, Blogger in the vanguard said…

    Really swell to see you back up again, Angel.

    As for your Texan buddies, I say a few nasty tings about two of them, here:


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