Woman Honor Thyself

When women are depressed, they either eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking. --Elaine Boosler

Thursday, January 19, 2006

What do the letters ACLU stand for anyway?

OK..if you need a gentle reminder as to how your 'rights' as Americans are being looked after...seek no more. One of the ACLU's many claims to fame:
Some of you, no doubt recall this:
In May 2005, the D.C. Fire Department announced that it would discharge any firefighter who had a beard. The Department requires firefighters to take a “fit test" to show that the facemasks they wear form a good seal with their faces. The Department says that facial hair prevents a good fit--but it prohibits bearded firefighters from taking the test to show that they can get a good fit..

On August 11, the U.S. District Court extended a preliminary injunction protecting our clients--three Muslim firefighters who wear beards as a matter of religious observance--from being dischared by the D.C. Fire Department, pending a final decision in their case.
ACLU Rationalizations

O.K. so they claimed: "The Religious Freedom Restoration Act" requires government agencies to accommodate the religious needs of employees whenever possible."

Did I miss something ?..Accomodating religious observance is something the ACLU fights for??
Oh..wait...Muslim religious observance.
Well, now that explains it.

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  • At 5:14 AM, Blogger Peter V. Bella said…

    What the ACLU stands for:
    American Civil Lunatics Union.

  • At 1:53 PM, Blogger WomanHonorThyself said…

    Well..those acronyms are certainly more accurate than the one the ACLU purports to have~!..Liberty?..hah.for whom?


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