Woman Honor Thyself

When women are depressed, they either eat or go shopping. Men invade another country. It's a whole different way of thinking. --Elaine Boosler

Monday, February 27, 2006

FlagS Furling

According to Education is solution to creating patriotism ...

Some claim that Patriotism is a value that cannot be forced or required through law.

"Putting American flags in every classroom, as a bill in the Arizona House of Representatives proposes, will do little to increase patriotism in young students. A better solution is to properly fund education so that students can learn about our nation's history, institutions and civic participation.

Then, when students see a flag, they will see something more than a piece of fabric with stars and stripes on it."

Hmmmmmmm..if you ask me........I'm liking that bill.

The mere presence of our flag gives voice to our ideology and unique American sentiments.
Our students are presently so awash in PCism, and multi-culturalism, it would serve them well to to whip up a fervent love and pride of this great, noble country.

The word patriotism actually comes from a Greek word meaning "fatherland." The love of fatherland or homeland was an attachment to the physical features of the land.
Much the same way one may place a picture of his own father on his mantle, and in so doing, is reminded of his or her love for the very person to whom she owns her very life.

I say...Hoist up those beautiful American flags in our classrooms and let the children's hearts be tugged with pride and love of country. We desperately need to be reminded just what ideals the red,white and blue truly stand for.


  • At 5:44 PM, Blogger Ogre said…

    And maybe, just maybe, they can do something, like, oh, I don't know, say the Pledge of Allegiance ... in English? Am I asking too much here?

    Yes, I am. Get the government completely, 100% out of education -- that's the only good solution.

  • At 5:50 PM, Blogger Lady Jane said…

    It is so important that children learn to honor the Flag and our Country and say the Pledge of Allegiance.

  • At 7:38 PM, Blogger WomanHonorThyself said…

    Agreed agreed agreed Ogre, Jane and Karl M..now pass out those flags!

  • At 6:09 AM, Blogger C R Mountjoy - GDF said…

    How sad is it that there would have to be a law to have a flag in a public school classroom. I guess there needs to be a law like this since the ACLU, AFT, and NEA would just a soon see a Hammer and Sickle flag, Lenin, Che and Mao on the walls of our public schools as opposed to Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson.

  • At 10:19 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    It is amazing how many people do not know about their own country, the United States of America. I have been told that a good many people do not know that we were in WWII. One time I was watching television and this person did not know that there are 50 states in this country. The list goes on. This tells me that schools are not teaching as they should.

    I strongly believe that if we all know and constantly learn about our country, the more intimate we have with the country we live in. This is termed patriotic person. To prove this to be true. I have been told that people were in line that went several blocks to sign up for the military after Perl Horbor was hit that enabled us to be a part of World War II.

    Now people are crying over we should not have started a war in Iraq. Even today, people are crying like fools over this issue. The USA military is there in Iraq to protect our freedom. They should be treated with respect and honor. From what I constantly see on television, they are not. This is not patriotic.

    Sky high, seek peace,
    Brandon Bowers

  • At 11:01 AM, Blogger Timmah420 said…

    Are you people all mad? This reads like a cognitive dissonance support group.

    Yes, I am. Get the government completely, 100% out of education -- that's the only good solution.

    Yeah. Great plan, then we can privatise the police and fire services as well, I mean, it's not like that's been tried before with disasterous results...

    I guess there needs to be a law like this since the ACLU, AFT, and NEA would just a soon see a Hammer and Sickle flag, Lenin, Che and Mao on the walls of our public schools as opposed to Washington, Lincoln and Jefferson.

    That's just stupid, sorry but it is. I wonder what it's like to harbour irrational hatred for an organization that would defend your right to insult it.

    I have been told that a good many people do not know that we were in WWII.

    What people? You're either making that up or know some bloody ignorant people. I've not news for you, if someone doesen't know how many states make up the USA, then they also aren't going to be aware of a lot of things, both inside and outside their country. That's a failure of education in general, not simply a failure to teach american history and values properly.

    As for all of those people "crying" about the debacle in Iraq, you might be surprised to know that your average anti-war personality is typically smarter then your average "turn the middle east into a glass parking lot" freeper.


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